A cloud-based service that assists businesses with email delivery (newsletters, transactional emails, etc.).

SendGrid provides a cloud-based service that assists businesses with email delivery. The service manages various types of email including shipping notifications, friend requests, sign-up confirmations, and email newsletters. It also handles internet service provider (ISP) monitoring, domain keys, sender policy framework (SPF), and feedback loops. Additionally, the company provides link tracking, open rate reporting. It also allows companies to track email opens, unsubscribes, bounces, and spam reports.

1. On the inbox tab, click on the button “Add new inbox”

2. In the pop-up, select "Sendgrid" inbox and click on “Next”

3. Define a "Campaign name", type your Sendgrid "API Key" and click on the button “Sign in with Google”

💡 Note: Connect your Sendgrid inbox to Warmbox requires an API key with Mail Send access.

4. If the connection works, click on "Next" to set up your inbox warm-up

If you encounter any difficulties during the set up of your inbox, do not hesitate to contact us directly on our live chat Intercom 👋

Don't let your cold email land in spam